7.4.4. In the case the manufacturer wants to pursue both options (paragraphs 7.4.2. and 7.4.3. above) at the same time for different portions of his production, the type approval has to be split due to definition of an IWVTA type (Annex 7, Part A, paragraph 1.2.1., subparagraph (b)). In this case the existing U-IWVTA shall be extended and remain a U-IWVTA for the portion of the production that is modified to meet the newly applicable requirements. For the portion of the production that remains unchanged a new L-IWVTA with a new approval number shall be issued. However, when granting this new L-IWVTA, the transitional provisions of UN Regulation No. 0 and UN Regulations listed in Annex 4 shall be interpreted as if an existing IWVTA were extended. The manufacturer's type designations shall clearly identify the different IWVTA types in these two approvals. a0c0