
Using the procedure described in paragraph 4.2. of this Annex, perform in the same area where the average macro texture depth was measured one braking test of the reference tyre, consisting of at least six (6) valid test runs in the same direction.

Evaluate the braking test as described in paragraphs and of this Annex. If the coefficient of variation CVμ exceeds 4 per cent, dismiss the results and repeat the braking test.

The arithmetic mean  of the measured peak braking force coefficients shall be corrected for effects of temperature as follows:


ϑ is the wetted road surface temperature in degrees Celsius,

a= 0.002 ℃ −1 and ϑ0=20°C.

The temperature-corrected average peak braking force coefficient (μpeak,corr) shall be not less than 0.65 and not greater than 0.90.


[DEL] Standard Reference Test Tyre method (b)

3.2.2. ASTM E 1136 Standard Reference Test Tyre method (b) a0c0