Component based test

The test shall be conducted in accordance with Annex 8D to this Regulation.

REESS approved according to this paragraph shall be mounted in a position which is between the two planes; (a) a vertical plane perpendicular to the centre line of the vehicle located 420 mm rearward from the front edge of the vehicle, and (b) a vertical plane perpendicular to the centre line of the vehicle located 300 mm forward from the rear edge of the vehicle.

 The mounting restrictions shall be documented in Annex 6 - Part 2.

 The crush force specified in paragraph 3.2.1. of Annex 8D may be replaced with the value declared by the manufacturer, where the crush force shall be documented in Annex 6, Part 2 as a mounting restriction. In this case, the vehicle manufacturer who uses such REESS shall demonstrate, during the process of approval for Part I of this Regulation, that the contact force to the REESS will not exceed the figure declared by the REESS manufacturer. Such force shall be determined by the vehicle manufacturer using the data obtained from either actual crash test or its simulation as specified in Annex 3 of Regulations Nos. 12 or 94 in the direction of travel and according to Annex 4 to Regulation No. 95 in the direction horizontally perpendicular to the direction of travel. These forces shall be agreed by the manufacturer together with the Technical Service.

 The manufacturers may, in agreement with the Technical Services, use forces derived from the data obtained from alternative crash test procedures, but these forces shall be equal to or greater than the forces that would result from using data in accordance with the regulations specified above.