No uncontrolled release due to an accidental disconnection can occur. Means shall be provided to stop the flow of LPG by installing a device directly after or in a cylinder or container mounted regulator. If the regulator is mounted remote from the cylinder or container, a device shall be installed directly before the hose or pipe from the cylinder or container (high pressure protection) and an additional device shall be installed in, or after the regulator if needed for protecting the low pressure part of the installation (low pressure protection). a3c0 no uncontrolled release due to an accidental disconnection can occur. Means shall be provided to stop the flow of LPG by installing a device directly after or in a cylinder or container mounted regulator or if the regulator is mounted remote from the cylinder or container, a device shall be installed directly before the hose or pipe from the cylinder or container and an additional device shall be installed in, or after the regulator. a0c0