
In case the approval of a tyre pursuant to this Regulation has been granted by the same Type Approval Authority than that granting the approval pursuant to UN Regulations Nos. 30 or 54, the approval mark pursuant to UN Regulations Nos. 30 or 54 can be combined with an indication of the applicable series of amendments to which the tyre was approved pursuant to UN Regulation No. 117 on the form of 2 digits (example "02" indicating that the UN Regulation No.117 approval was granted following the 02 series of amendments) and the suffixes according to paragraph 5.2.2. using the addition sign "+", as described in Annex 2, Appendix 3 of this Regulation, for example "0236378 + 02S1WR2".


In case the approval of a tyre pursuant to this Regulation has been granted by the same Type Approval Authority than that granting the approval pursuant to UN Regulation No. 30 or UN Regulation No. 54, the approval mark pursuant to UN Regulation No. 30 or UN Regulation No. 54 can be combined with an indication of the applicable series of amendments to which the tyre was approved pursuant to UN Regulation No. 117 on the form of 2 digits (example "02" indicating that the UN Regulation No.117 approval was granted following the 02 series of amendments) and the suffixes according to paragraph 5.2.2. using the addition sign "+", as described in Annex 2, Appendix 3 of this Regulation, for example "0236378 + 02S1WR2".
