(d) Minimum values at BR, P, at the groups S50+S50LL+S50RR, S100+S100LL+S100RR,and those required by footnote 4/ of Table 1 in Annex 3 of this Regulation (B50L, BR, BRR, BLL): half of the required value is equivalent to 20 per cent and three quarters of the required value equivalent to 30 per cent. a4c0
(d) Minimum values at BR, P, at the groups S 50 + S 50LL + S 50RR and S 100 + S 100LL + S 100RR, and those required by footnote 4 of Table 1 in Annex 3 of this Regulation (B50L, BR, BRR, BLL): half of the required value equivalent 20 per cent and three quarter of the required value equivalent 30 per cent. a0c0