Regulation UN No. 50 (Rev.3)

Position, stop, direction indicator lamps for mopeds and motorcycles

Consolidated up to 01 series dated: 15.10.19

... Contents a0c0
... Regulation a0c0
... Scope a0c0
... 2. Definitions a0c0
... 3. Application for approval a0c0
... 4. Markings a0c0
... 5. Approval a0c0
... 6. General specifications a0c0
... 7. Intensity of light emitted a0c0
... 8. Test procedure a0c0
... 9. Colour of light emitted a0c0
... 10. Conformity of production a0c0
... 11. Penalties for non-conformity of production a0c0
... 12. Production definitively discontinued a0c0
... 13. Names and addresses of Technical Services conducting approval tests, and of Type Approval Authorities a0c0
... 14. Transitional provisions a0c0
... Annexes a0c0
... 1 Minimum horizontal (H) and minimum vertical (V) angles for spatial light distribution a0c0
... 2 Communication a0c0
... 3 Examples of arrangements of the approval marks a0c0
... 4 Photometric measurements a0c0
... 5 Photometric measurements for the rear-registration-plate illuminating device a0c0
1. Scope a0c0
... This Regulation applies to front position lamps, rear position lamps, stop lamps, direction indicators, and rear-registration-plate illuminating devices for vehicles of category L[1]. a0c0
[1] As defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3.), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2, para. 2. - a0c0
2. Definitions a0c0
2.1. Definitions of terms a0c0
... The definitions given in Regulations Nos. 53 or 74 and the series of amendments in force at the time of application for type approval shall apply to this Regulation. a0c0
2.2. "Front position lamps, rear position lamps, stop lamps, direction indicator lamps and rear-registration-plate illuminating devices of different types" means lamps which differ [DEL] in such essential respects as: a3c0
... (a)The trade name or mark: a3c0
... (i) Lamps bearing the same trade name or mark but produced by different manufacturers shall be considered as being of different types; a3c0
... (ii) Lamps produced by the same manufacturer differing only by the trade name or mark shall be considered as being of the same type; a3c0
... (b)The characteristics of the optical system, (levels of intensity, light distribution angles, category of light source, light source module, etc.); a0c0
... (c)The sequential activation of light sources, if any. a2c0
... A change of the colour of the light source or the colour of any filter does not constitute a change of type. a0c0

The definitions of the colour of the light emitted, given in Regulation No. 48 and its series of amendments in force at the time of application for type approval shall apply to this Regulation.


References made in this Regulation to standard (étalon) filament lamp(s) and to Regulation No. 37 shall refer to Regulation No. 37 and its series of amendments in force at the time of application for type approval.


References made in this Regulation to standard (étalon) LED light source(s) and to Regulation No. 128 shall refer to Regulation No. 128 and its series of amendments in force at the time of application for type approval.

3. Application for approval a0c0
3.1. The application for approval shall be submitted by the holder of the trade name or mark or by his duly accredited representative. It shall specify: a0c0
3.1.1. The purpose or purposes for which the device submitted for approval is intended; a0c0
3.1.2. In the case of a front position lamp an indication whether it is intended to emit white or amber light; a0c0
3.1.3. In the case of a direction indicator, the category; a0c0
3.1.4. At the choice of the applicant, that the device may be installed on the vehicle with different inclinations of the reference axis in respect to the vehicle reference planes and to the ground or rotate around its reference axis or, in the case of a rear registration plate lamp, that the device may be fitted in more than one or a field of positions in relation to the space to be occupied by the registration plate; these different conditions of installation (or different positions) shall be indicated in the communication form. a0c0
3.2. For each type of device, the application shall be accompanied by: a0c0

Drawings, in triplicate, in sufficient detail to permit identification of the type of the device and showing the following:

(a) In what geometrical position(s) the device may be mounted on the vehicle; the axis of observation to be taken is the axis of reference in the tests (horizontal angle H = 0°, vertical angle V = 0°); and the point to be taken as the centre of reference in the said tests;

(b) The geometrical conditions of installation of the device(s) that meet(s) the requirements of paragraph 7.;

(c) In the case of an interdependent lamp system, the interdependent lamp or the combination of interdependent lamps that fulfil the requirements of paragraphs 6.7., 7.1. and of Annex 4 to this Regulation;

(d) The position intended for the approval number and the additional symbols in relation to the circle of the approval mark.

3.2.2. A brief technical description stating, in particular, with the exception of lamps with non-replaceable light sources: a0c0

(a)The category or categories of filament lamp(s) prescribed; this filament lamp category shall be one of those contained in Regulation No. 37 and its series of amendments in force at the time of application for type approval; and/or

... (b)The category or categories of LED light source(s) prescribed; this LED light source category shall be one of those contained in Regulation No. 128 and its series of amendments in force at the time of application for type approval; and/or a0c0
... (c)The light source module specific identification code. a0c0
3.2.3. Two devices. a0c0
3.2.4. In the case of a type of lamp differing only by the trade name or mark from a type that has already been approved it shall be sufficient to submit: a3c0 A declaration by the lamp manufacturer that the type submitted is identical (except in the trade name or mark) with and has been produced by the same manufacturer as, the type already approved, the latter being identified by its approval code; a3c0 Two samples bearing the new trade name or mark or equivalent documentation. a3c0
3.2.5. In the case of a non-replaceable filament lamp(s) or light source module(s) equipped with non-replaceable filament lamp(s): the documents according to paragraph 6.6. of this Regulation. a3c0
4. Markings a0c0
4.1. Devices submitted for approval shall in a clearly legible and indelible way bear the following markings: a0c0
4.1.1. The trade name or market of the applicant; a0c0
4.1.2. With the exception of lamps with non-replaceable light sources, a clearly legible and indelible marking indicating: a0c0
... (a)The category or categories of light source(s) prescribed; and/or a0c0
... (b)The light source module specific identification code. a0c0
4.2. They shall comprise furthermore a space of sufficient size for the approval mark (see paragraph 3.2.1.). a0c0
4.3. Lamps with non-replaceable light sources or light source module(s) shall bear the marking of the rated voltage or range of voltage. [DEL] a3c0
4.4. In the case of light source module(s) the light source module(s) shall bear: a0c0
4.4.1. The trade name or mark of the applicant; this marking must be clearly legible and indelible; a0c0

The specific identification code of the module; this marking must be clearly legible and indelible. This specific identification code shall comprise the starting letters "MD" for "MODULE" followed by the approval marking without the circle as prescribed in paragraph 5.5.1. below and in the case several non-identical light source modules are used, followed by additional symbols or characters; this specific identification code shall be shown in the drawings mentioned in paragraph 3.2.1. above.

... The approval marking does not have to be the same as the one on the lamp in which the module is used, but both markings shall be from the same applicant. a0c0
4.4.3. The marking of the rated voltage or range of voltage.[DEL] a3c0
5. Approval a0c0
5.1. If the two devices of a type of device which are submitted in pursuance of paragraph 3. above meet the requirements of this Regulation, approval shall be granted. All the devices of an interdependent lamp system shall be submitted for type approval by the same applicant. a1c0
5.2. When two or more lamps are part of the same device, approval is only granted, if each of these lamps satisfies the provisions of this Regulation or of another Regulation. Lamps not satisfying any one of those Regulations shall not be part of such device. a0c0
5.3. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first two digits (at present 00 for the Regulation in its original form) shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent major technical amendments to the Regulation at the time of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party may not assign the same number to another type of device covered by this Regulation. a0c0
5.4. Notice of approval or of refusal of approval of a type of device pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation, by means of a form conforming to the model shown in Annex 2 to this Regulation and of an attached drawing supplied by the applicant for approval, in a format not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm) and, if possible, on a scale of 1:1. a0c0
5.5. Each device conforming to a type approved under this Regulation shall bear, in the space referred to in paragraph 4.2. above, in addition to the markings referred to in paragraphs 4.1. and 4.3. an international approval mark consisting of: a0c0
5.5.1. A circle enclosing the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of the country which was granted the approval[2], and a0c0
5.5.2. The number of this Regulation followed by the letter "R", a dash and the approval number; a0c0

In the general case of a direction indicator: a number indicating the category 11, 11a, 11b, 11c or 12 close to the circle according to paragraph 5.5.1. and on the opposite side to the approval number;


In the case of a direction indicator, which does on one side not attain the minimum luminous intensity prescribed up to an angle of H = 80° according to paragraph 7.7.1.: a horizontal arrow, the tip of which is oriented to the side where the minimum luminous intensity according to paragraph 7.7.1. is complied with up to an angle of at least 80°;


On front or rear position lamps of which the visibility angles are asymmetrical with regard to the reference axis in a horizontal direction, an arrow pointing towards the side on which the photometric specifications are met up to an angle of 80° H.

5.5.6. On devices with reduced light distribution in conformity to paragraph 2.3. in Annex 4 to this Regulation a vertical arrow starting from a horizontal segment and directed downwards. a1c0
5.5.7. On interdependent lamps, which may be used as part of an interdependent lamp system, the additional symbol shall be marked as follows:
(a) For a front position lamp "MAY";
(b) For a rear position lamp "MRY";
(c) For a stop lamp "MSY"."
5.6. Where a device has been found to comply with the requirements of several Regulations, a single approval mark may be applied comprising a circle according to paragraph 5.5.1., the approval numbers and the additional symbols appropriate to each Regulation under which approval has been granted. The size of the components of this single approval mark shall not be less than the minimum size required for the smallest of the individual marks under a Regulation, under which approval has been granted. a0c0
5.7. The approval mark referred to in paragraph 5.5. above shall be clearly legible and be indelible. It may be placed on an inner or outer part (transparent or not) of the device emitting the light. In any case the marking shall be visible when the device is fitted on the vehicle or when a movable part such as the set or a compartment cover is opened. a0c0
5.8. Annex 3 gives an example of arrangement of the approval mark. a0c0
[2] The distinguishing numbers of the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement are reproduced in Annex 3 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2/Amend.3 - a0c0
6. General specifications a0c0
... The requirements contained in sections 5. "General specifications" and 6. "Individual specifications" and in the Annexes referenced in the said sections of Regulations Nos. 53 or 74, and their series of amendments in force at the time of application for the lamp type approval shall apply to this Regulation.
The requirements pertinent to each lamp and to the category/ies of vehicle on which the lamp is intended to be installed shall be applied, where its verification at the moment of lamp type approval is feasible.
6.1. Each device shall conform to the specifications of this Regulation. a0c0
6.2. The devices must be so designed and constructed that in normal use and, despite the vibrations to which they may be subjected, their satisfactory operation continues to be assured and they retain the characteristics prescribed by this Regulation. a0c0
6.3. Position lamps, which are reciprocally incorporated with another function, using a common light source, and designed to operate permanently with an additional system to regulate the intensity of the light emitted, are permitted. a0c0
6.3.1. However, in the case of rear position lamp reciprocally incorporated with a stop lamp, the device shall either: a0c0
... (a)Be a part of a multiple light source arrangement, or a0c0
... (b)Be intended for use in a vehicle equipped with a failure monitoring system for that function. a0c0
... In either case, a note shall be made within the communication document. a0c0
6.4. In the case of replaceable light source(s): a0c0
6.4.1. The device shall only be equipped with light source(s) approved according to Regulation No. 37 and/or Regulation No. 128, provided that no restriction on the use is made in Regulation No. 37 and its series of amendments in force at the time of application for type approval or in Regulation No. 128 and its series of amendments in force at the time of application for type approval." a4c0
6.4.2. The design of the device shall be such that the light source cannot be fixed in any other position but the correct one. a0c0
6.4.3. The light source holder shall conform to the characteristics given in IEC Publication 60061. The holder data sheet relevant to the category of light source used, applies. a0c0
6.5. In the case of replaceable filament lamp(s): a0c0

Any category or categories of filament lamp(s) approved according to Regulation No. 37 may be used, provided that no restriction on the use is made in Regulation No. 37 and its series of amendments in force at the time of application for type approval.

6.5.2. The design of the device shall be such that the filament lamp can be fixed in no other position but the correct one. a0c0

The filament lamp holder shall conform to the characteristics given in IEC Publication 60061. The holder data sheet relevant to the category of filament lamp used, applies.

6.6. Only front and rear position lamps and stop lamps may be constructed as an interdependent lamp system. a1c0
6.6.BIS#it has been published as point 6.6 In the case of non-replaceable filament lamp(s) or light source module(s) equipped with non-replaceable filament lamp(s), the applicant shall annex to the type approval documentation a report (by the light source manufacturer indicated in the type approval documentation), acceptable to the Authority responsible for type approval, that demonstrates compliance of these non-replaceable filament lamp(s) with the requirements as specified in paragraph 4.11. of IEC 60809, Edition 3. a3c0
6.7. An interdependent lamp system shall meet the requirements when all its interdependent lamps are operated together. However, if the interdependent lamp system providing the rear position lamp function is partly mounted on the fixed component and partly mounted on a movable component, the interdependent lamp(s) specified by the applicant shall meet the outboard geometric visibility, colorimetric and photometric requirement, at all fixed positions of the movable component(s). In this case, the inboard geometric visibility requirement is deemed to be satisfied if this (these) interdependent lamp(s) still conform to the photometric values prescribed in the field of light distribution for the approval of the device, at all fixed positions of the moveable component(s). a1c0
6.8. For direction indicator lamps of categories 11, 11a, 11b, 11c or 12 the flash may be produced by sequential activation of their light sources if the following conditions are met:
(a) Each light source, after its activation, shall remain lit until the end of the ON cycle;
(b) The sequence of activation of the light sources shall produce a signal which proceeds in a uniform progressive manner from inboard towards the outboard edge of the light emitting surface;
(c) It shall be one signal with no interruption and no vertical oscillations (e.g. not more than one change of direction along the vertical axis). The distance between two adjacent/tangential distinct parts of the light emitting surface of the sequential direction indicator shall not exceed 50mm, when measured perpendicularly to the reference axis, instead of the values defined in paragraph 5.6.2. of Regulation No. 53. These interruptions of the signal shall not create any overlap in the vertical axis between the different parts, from inboard towards the outboard of the vehicle, and shall not be used for any other lighting or light signalling functions;
(d) The variation shall finish no more than 200 ms after the beginning of the ON cycle;
(e) For the orthogonal projection in the direction of the axis of reference of a rectangle, circumscribing the apparent surface of the direction indicator shall have its longer sides parallel to the H-plane, the ratio of the horizontal to the vertical sides shall not be less than 1.7.

Compliance to the conditions mentioned above shall be verified in flashing mode.
7. Intensity of light emitted a1c0
... In the reference axis, the intensity of the emitted light of each of the two devices shall be at least equal to the minimum values and not exceed the maximum values of the following table. In no direction, the maximum values indicated shall be exceeded. a1c0
min. (cd) max. (cd)
Rear position lamp 4 17
Front position lamp 4 140
Front position lamps incorporated in the headlamp 4 140
Stop lamp 40 260
Direction indicators - -
Of the category 11 (see Annex 1) 90 1,000
Of the category 11a (see Annex 1) 175 1,000
Of the category 11b (see Annex 1) 250 1,200
Of the category 11c (see Annex 1) 400 1,200
Of the category 12 (see Annex 1) 50 500

Outside of the reference axis and within the angle fields defined in the diagrams in Annex 1 to this Regulation, the intensity of the light emitted shall, in each direction corresponding to the points in the light distribution table reproduced in Annex 4 to this Regulation, be not less than the product of the minima specified in paragraphs 5.7.1. to 7.4. above and of the percentage specified in the said table for the direction in question.

7.5.1. In the case of a single lamp containing more than one light source: a1c0
... (a)Except for a direction indicator lamp, the lamp shall comply with the minimum intensity required in the table of standard light distribution in space as shown in Annex 4 when any one light source has failed; a1c0
... [DEL] a1c0
... (b)All light sources which are connected in series are considered to be one light source. a1c0

As an exception to paragraph 7.1. above, a luminous intensity of 60 cd maximum shall be permitted for rear position lamps reciprocally incorporated with stop lamps below a plane forming an angle of 5° with and downward from a horizontal plane.

7.7. Moreover, a0c0
7.7.1. Throughout the fields defined in Annex 1, the intensity of the light emitted shall not be less than 0.05 cd for position lamps and not less than 0.3 cd for stop lamps and direction indicators; a0c0

If a position lamp is grouped or reciprocally incorporated with a stop lamp, the ratio between the luminous intensities actually measures of the two lamps when turned on simultaneously and the intensity of the rear position lamp when turned on alone shall be at least 5:1 to the eleven measuring points defined in Annex 4 and situated in the field delimited by straight vertical lines passing through 0°V/ 10°H and the straight horizontal lines passing through ±5°V/0°H of the light distribution table;

... If the rear position lamp or the stop lamp or both contain more than one light source and are considered as a single lamp, as defined in paragraph 7.5.2. above, the values to be considered are those obtained with all light sources in operation. a0c0
7.7.3. The provisions of paragraph 2.2. of Annex 4 to this Regulation on local variations of intensity shall be observed. a0c0
7.8. In general the intensities shall be measured with the light sources(s) continuously alight. a0c0
... In the case of lamps intended to work intermittently, precaution shall be taken to avoid overheating of the device. Depending on the construction of the device, for example, the use of light-emitting diodes (LED) or the need to take precautions to avoid overheating, it is allowed to measure the lamps in flashing mode. a0c0

This must be achieved by switching with a frequency of f = 1.5 ± 0.5 Hz with the pulse width greater than 0.3 s, measured at 95 per cent peak light intensity.

... In the case of replaceable filament lamps the filament lamps shall be operated at reference luminous flux during on time. In all other cases the voltage as required in paragraph 8.1. shall be switched with a rise time and fall time shorter than 0.01 s; no overshoot is allowed. a0c0
... In the case of measurements taken in flashing mode the reported luminous intensity shall be represented by the maximum intensity. a0c0
7.9. Annex 4, to which reference is made in paragraph 7.5. above, gives particulars of the methods of measurement to be used. a0c0
7.10. The rear-registration-plate illuminating device shall comply with the specifications indicated in Annex 5 to this Regulation. a0c0
7.11. [DEL] a1c0
7.11.1. [DEL] a1c0
7.11.2. [DEL] a1c0
8. Test procedure a0c0
8.1. All measurements, photometric and colorimetric shall be carried out with an uncoloured or coloured standard light source of the category prescribed for the device, supplied with the voltage: a0c0
... (a)In the case of filament lamps, that is necessary to produce the reference luminous flux required for that category of filament lamp; a0c0

(b)In the case of LED light sources of 6.75 V or 13.5 V; the luminous flux value produced shall be corrected. The correction factor is the ratio between the objective luminous flux and the mean value of the luminous flux found at the voltage applied;

... (c)In the case of lamps with non-replaceable light sources: 6.75 V and 13.5 V respectively; a0c0

(d)In the case of a system that uses an electronic light source control gear being part of the lamp[3] applying at the input terminals of the lamp the voltage declared by the manufacturer or, if not indicated, 6.75 V, 13.5 V or 28.0 V, respectively;

... (e)In the case of a system that uses an electronic light source control gear not being part of the lamp, the voltage declared by the manufacturer shall be applied to the input terminals of the lamp. a0c0
8.2. The test laboratory shall require from the manufacturer the light source control gear needed to supply the light source and the applicable functions. a0c0

The voltage to be applied to the lamp shall be noted in the communication form in Annex 2 of this Regulation.

8.4. The limits of the apparent surface in the direction of the reference axis of a light-signalling device shall be determined. a0c0
[3] For the purpose of this Regulation "being part of the lamp" means to be physically included in the lamp body or to be external, separated or not, but supplied by the lamp manufacturer as part of the lamp system. The functioning and installation conditions of these additional systems will be defined by special provisions. a0c0
9. Colour of light emitted a0c0

Stop lamps and rear position lamps shall emit red light, front position lamps may emit white or amber light, direction indicators shall emit amber light. For the measurement of the colour of the light emitted inside the field of the light distribution grid defined at paragraph 2. of Annex 4, the test procedure described in paragraph 8. of this Regulation shall be applied. Outside this field no sharp variation of colour shall be observed.

... However, for lamps equipped with non-replaceable light sources (filament lamps and other), the colorimetric characteristics should be verified with the light sources present in the lamps, in accordance with relevant subparagraphs of paragraph 8.1. of this Regulation. a0c0
10. Conformity of production a0c0
10.1. Every device bearing an approval mark as prescribed under this Regulation shall conform to the type approved and shall comply with the requirements of this Regulation. However, in the case of a device picked at random from series production, the requirements as to the respectively, minimum and maximum intensities of the light emitted (measured with a standard light source as referred to in paragraph 8. above) shall be at least 80 per cent of the minimum values specified and not exceed 120 per cent of the maximum values allowed. a0c0
10.2. In the case of non-replaceable filament lamp(s) or light source module(s) equipped with non-replaceable filament lamps: a3c0
10.2.1. A report (by the light source manufacturer indicated in the type approval documentation) shall demonstrate compliance of these non-replaceable filament lamp(s) with lifetime requirements and, in the case of colour coated filament lamps, also with colour endurance requirements, as specified in paragraph 4.11. of IEC 60809, Edition 3; a3c0
10.2.2. At any conformity of production check: a3c0 The holder of the approval mark shall demonstrate the use in normal production and show the identification of the non-replaceable filament lamp(s) as indicated in the type approval documentation; a3c0 In the case where doubt exists in respect to compliance of the non-replaceable filament lamp(s) with lifetime requirements and/or, in the case of colour coated filament lamps, with colour endurance requirements, as specified in paragraph 4.11. of IEC 60809, Edition 3, conformity shall be checked (by the light source manufacturer indicated in the type approval documentation) as specified in paragraph 4.11. of IEC 60809, Edition 3. a3c0
11. Penalties for non-conformity of production a0c0
11.1. The approval granted in respect of a device pursuant to this Regulation may be withdrawn in the foregoing conditions are not observed. a0c0
11.2. If a Contracting Party to the Agreement, applying this Regulation, withdraws an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation, by means of a copy of the approval form bearing at the end, in large letters, the signed and dated annotation "APPROVAL WITHDRAWN". a0c0
12. Production definitively discontinued a0c0
... If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a device approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the Type Approval Authority, which granted the approval. Upon receiving the relevant communication, that Authority shall inform thereof the other Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of a copy of the approval form bearing at the end, in large letters, the signed and dated annotation "PRODUCTION DISCONTINUED". a0c0
13. Names and addresses of Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests, and of Type Approval Authorities a0c0
... The Contracting Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation shall communicate to the United Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests and of the Type Approval Authorities which grant approval and to which forms certifying approval or refusal or withdrawal of approval issued in other countries are to be sent. a0c0
14. Transitional provisions a0c0
14.1. Devices not equipped with filament lamps a0c0
14.1.1. As from the date of entry into force of Supplement 4 to this Regulation, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant approvals under this Regulation as amended by Supplement 4. a0c0
14.1.2. As from 36 months after the date of entry into force of Supplement 4 to this Regulation, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall grant approvals only if the type of devices as described in paragraph 14.1. above meets the requirements of this Regulation as amended by Supplement 4. a0c0
14.1.3. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall not refuse to grant extensions of approvals of this Regulation as amended by Supplement 3. a0c0
14.1.4. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall continue to grant approvals to those types of devices as described in paragraph 14.1. above, which comply with the requirements of this Regulation amended by Supplement 3 during the 36 months period which follows the date of entry into force of Supplement 4. a0c0
14.2. Fitting of devices described in paragraph 14.1. above on a vehicle. a0c0
14.2.1. As from the date of entry into force of Supplement 4 to this Regulation, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall prohibit the fitting on a vehicle of devices described in paragraph 14.1. above, approved to this Regulation as amended by Supplement 3, during the 48 months period which follows the date of entry into force of Supplement 4. a0c0
14.2.2. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall continue to allow the fitting on a vehicle of devices described in paragraph 14.1. above, approved to this Regulation as amended by Supplement 3, during the 48 months period which follows the date of entry into force of Supplement 4. a0c0
14.2.3. Upon the expiration of a period of 48 months after the date of entry into force of Supplement 4, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may prohibit the fitting of devices, described in paragraph 14.1. above which do not meet the requirement of this Regulation as amended by Supplement 4, on a new vehicle for which type approval or individual approval was granted more than 24 months after the date of entry into force of Supplement 4. a0c0
14.2.4. Upon the expiration of a period of 60 months after the date of entry into force of Supplement 4, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may prohibit the fitting of devices, as described in paragraph 14.1. above which do not meet the requirements of this Regulation, as amended by Supplement 4, on a new vehicle first registered more than 60 months after the date of entry into force of Supplement 4. a0c0
14.3. As from the official date of entry into force of Supplement 20 to the original series of amendments, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant approval under this Regulation as amended by this Supplement. a4c0
14.4. As from 1 September 2018 Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall grant approvals only if the type of direction indicator to be approved meets the requirements of this Regulation as amended by Supplement 20 to the original series of amendments. a4c0
14.5. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall not refuse to grant extensions of approval granted prior to the date of entry into force of Supplement 20 to the original series of amendments to this Regulation. a4c0
A1  Annex 1 a0c0
A1  Minimum horizontal (H) and minimum vertical (V) angles for spatial light distribution a0c0
A1 1. Front position lamps a1c0

V = +15° / -10° However, in the case where a device is intended to be installed with its H plane at a mounting height less than 750 mm above the ground, the angle of 10° below the horizontal may be reduced to 5°.

A1  a1c0
A1  Front position lamps (for a pair of lamps) a1c0

V = +15° / -10° However, in the case where a device is intended to be installed with its H plane at a mounting height less than 750 mm above the ground, the angle of 10° below the horizontal may be reduced to 5°.

A1  a1c0
A1 2. Rear position lamps a1c0

V = +15± / -10± However, in the case where a device is intended to be installed with its H plane at a mounting height less than 750 mm above the ground, the angle of 10° below the horizontal may be reduced to 5°.

A1  a1c0
A1  Rear position lamps (for a pair of lamps) a1c0

V = +15° / -10° However, in the case where a device is intended to be installed with its H plane at a mounting height less than 750 mm above the ground, the angle of 10° below the horizontal may be reduced to 5°.

A1  a1c0
A1  However, in the case where a device is intended to be installed with its H plane at a mounting height less than 750 mm above the ground, the inward angle of 45° may be reduced to 20° under the H plane.


A1 3. Direction indicators of categories 11, 11a, 11b, 11c and 12 a1c0

V = ±15° However, in the case where a device is intended to be installed with its H plane at a mounting height less than 750 mm above the ground, the angle of 15° below the horizontal may be reduced to 5°.

A1  Minimum horizontal angles of light distribution in space: a1c0
A1  Categories 11, 11a, 11b and 11c: a1c0
A1  direction indicators for the front of the vehicle; a1c0
A1  Category 11: a1c0
A1  for use at a distance not less than 75 mm from the passing beam headlamp; a1c0
A1  Category 11a: a1c0
A1  for use at a distance not less than 40 mm from the passing beam headlamp; a1c0
A1  Category 11b: a1c0
A1  for use at a distance not less than 20 mm from the passing beam headlamp; a1c0
A1  Category 11c: a1c0
A1  for use at a distance less than 20 mm from the passing beam headlamp. a1c0
A1  a1c0
A1 4. Stop lamps a1c0

V = + 15°/ -10° However, in the case where a device is intended to be installed with its H plane at a mounting height less than 750 mm above the ground, the angle of 10° below the horizontal may be reduced to 5°.

A1  a1c0
A1  However, in the case of a pair of lamps, the inboard geometric visibility requirement is deemed to be satisfied if the lamps conform to the photometric values prescribed in the field of light distribution for the approval of the device. a1c0
A2  Annex 2 a0c0
A2  Communication a0c0
A2  (Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)) a0c0
A2  a0c0
A2  of a type of front position lamps, rear position lamps, stop lamps, direction indicators and rear-registration-plate illuminating devices for mopeds, motor cycles and vehicles treated as such pursuant to Regulation No. 50 a0c0
Approval No....................................... Extension No.............................................
A2 1. Trade name or mark of the device: a0c0
A2 2. Manufacturer's name for the type of device: a0c0
A2 3. Manufacturer's name and address: a0c0
A2 4. If applicable, name and address of the manufacturer's representative: a0c0
A2 5. Submitted for approval on: a0c0
A2 6. Technical Service responsible for conducting approval tests: a0c0
A2 7. Date of report issued by that Service a0c0
A2 8. Number of report issued by that Service a0c0
A2 9. Concise description[3]: a0c0
A2  By category of lamp: a0c0
A2  Colour of light emitted: red / white / amber[2] a0c0
A2  Number and category(ies) of light source(s): a0c0
A2  Light source module: yes/no[2] / a0c0
A2  Light source module specific identification code: a0c0
A2  Geometrical conditions of installation and relating variations, if any: a0c0
A2  Application of an electronic light source control gear/variable intensity control: a0c0
A2  (a)being part of the lamp: yes/no/not applicable[2] a0c0
A2  (b)being not part of the lamp: yes/no/not applicable[2] a0c0
A2  Input voltage(s) supplied by an electronic light source control gear/variable intensity control: a0c0
A2  Electronic light source control gear/variable intensity control manufacturer and identification number (when the light source control gear is part of the lamp but is not included into the lamp body): a0c0
A2  Only for limited mounting height of equal to or less than 750 mm above the ground: yes/no [2] a1c0
A2  Function(s) produced by an interdependent lamp forming part of an interdependent lamp system:
Front position lamp: yes/ no[2]
Rear position lamp: yes/ no[2]
Stop lamp: yes/ no [2]
A2  Sequential activation of light sources (see paragraph 6.8. of this Regulation): yes/no [2] a2c0
A2 10. Position of the approval mark: a0c0
A2 11. Reason(s) for extension (if applicable): a0c0
A2 12. Approval granted/extended refused withdrawn[2]: a0c0
A2 13. Place: a0c0
A2 14. Date: a0c0
A2 15. Signature: a0c0
A2 16. The list of documents deposited with the Type Approval Authority which has granted approval is annexed to this communication and may be obtained on request a0c0
A2 [1]

Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/refused/withdrawn approval (see approval provisions in the Regulation).

A2 [2] Strike out which does not apply. a0c0
A2 [3] For the purpose of this Regulation "being part of the lamp" means to be physically included in the lamp body or to be external, separated or not, but supplied by the lamp manufacturer as part of the lamp system. The functioning and installation conditions of these additional systems will be defined by special provisions. a0c0
A3  Annex 3 a0c0
A3  Examples of arrangements of the approval marks a1c0
A3  (See paragraph 5.3. of this Regulation) a1c0
A3  a1c0
A3  A device bearing the approval mark shown above is a direction indicator of the category 11 approved in the Netherlands (E4) under the number 00243. The first two digits of the approval number indicate that the approval was granted in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 50 in its original form. a0c0

For a direction indicator, the arrow indicates that the luminous distribution is a symmetrical in a horizontal plane and that the photometric values required are satisfied up to an angle of 80° to the right, the device seen in the opposite sense of the light emitted. The vertical arrow starting from a horizontal segment and directed downwards indicates a permissible mounting height of equal to or less than 750 mm from the ground for this device.

A3  Light source modules a0c0
A3  a0c0

The light source module bearing the identification code shown above has been approved together with a lamp approved in Italy (E3) under approval number 17325.

A3  Note: The approval number must be placed close to the circle and either above or below the letter "E" or to the left of right of that letter the digits of the approval number must be on the same side of the "E" and face in the same direction. The use of Roman numbers as approval numbers should be avoided so as to prevent any confusion with other symbols. a0c0
A3  Interdependent lamps a1c0
A3  a1c0
A3  Marking of an interdependent lamp comprising part of an interdependent lamp system providing: a1c0
A3  A rear direction indicator lamp (category 12) approved in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 50; a1c0
A3  A rear position lamp (MRY) approved as an interdependent lamp forming part of an interdependent lamp system in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 50; a1c0
A3  a1c0
A3  Marking of an interdependent lamp comprising part of an interdependent lamp system providing: a1c0
A3  A rear position lamp (MRY) approved as an interdependent lamp forming part of an interdependent lamp system in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 50; a1c0
A3  A stop-lamp (MSY) approved as an interdependent lamp forming part of an interdependent lamp system in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 50. a1c0
A4  Annex 4 a0c0
A4  Photometric measurements a0c0
A4 1. Measurement methods a0c0
A4 1.1. During photometric measurements, stray reflections shall be prevented by appropriate masking. a0c0
A4 1.2. Should the results of measurements be challenged, measurements shall be carried out in such a way as to meet the following requirements: a0c0
A4 1.2.1. The distance of measurements shall be such that the law of the inverse of the square of the distance is applicable; a0c0
A4 1.2.2.

The measuring equipment shall be such that the angular aperture of the receiver viewed from the reference centre of the lamp is between 10' and 1°;

A4 1.2.3. The intensity requirement for a particular direction of observation shall be deemed to be satisfied if that requirement is met in a direction deviating by not more than 15' from the direction of observation. a0c0
A4 1.3. In the case where the device may be installed on the vehicle in more than one or in a field of different positions the photometric measurements shall be repeated for each position or for the extreme positions in the field of the reference axis specified by the manufacturer. a0c0
A4 2. Standard luminous intensity distribution table a0c0
A4  a0c0
A4 2.1.

The direction H = 0° and V = 0° corresponds to the reference axis. (On the vehicle it is horizontal, parallel to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and oriented in the required direction of visibility). It passes through the centre of reference. The values shown in the table give, for the various directions of measurements, the minimum intensities as a percentage of the minimum required in the axis for each lamp (in the direction H = 0° and V = 0°).

A4 2.2. Within the field of light distribution of paragraph 2., schematically shown as a grid, the light pattern should be substantially uniform so that the light intensity in each direction of a part of the field formed by the grid lines meets at least the lowest minimum percentage value being shown on the grid lines surrounding the questioned direction. a0c0
A4 2.3. However, in the case where a device is intended to be installed at a mounting height of equal to or less than 750 mm above the ground, the photometric intensity is verified only up to an angle of 5 degrees downwards. a1c0
A4 3. Test conditions a0c0
A4  The photometric performance shall be checked: a0c0
A4 3.1. For non-replaceable light sources (filament lamps and others): a0c0
A4  With the light sources present in the lamp, in accordance with the relevant subparagraph of paragraph 8.1. of this Regulation. a0c0
A4 3.2. For replaceable light sources: a0c0

When equipped with light sources at 6.75 V or 13.5 V, the luminous intensity values produced shall be corrected.


For filament lamps the correction factor is the ratio between the reference luminous flux and the mean value of the luminous flux found at the voltage applied (6.75 V or 13.5 V).


For LED light sources the correction factor is the ratio between the objective luminous flux and the mean value of the luminous flux found at the voltage applied (6.75 V or 13.5 V).


The actual luminous fluxes of each light source used shall not deviate more than ±5 per cent from the mean value.

A4  Alternatively and in case of filament lamps only, a standard filament lamp may be used in turn, in each of the individual positions, operated at its reference flux, the individual measurements in each position being added together. a0c0
A4 3.3.

For any signalling lamps, except those equipped with filament lamps, the luminous intensities measured after one minute and after 30 minutes of operation shall comply with the minimum and maximum requirements; direction indicators shall be operated in the flashing mode (f =±1.5 Hz, duty factor 50 per cent). The luminous intensity distribution after one minute of operation can be calculated from the luminous intensity distribution after 30 minutes of operation by applying at each test point the ratio of luminous intensities measured at HV after one minute and after 30 minutes of operation.

A5  Annex 5 a0c0
A5  Photometric measurements for the rear-registration-plate illuminating device a0c0
A5 1. Space to be illuminated a0c0
A5  The devices can be of category 1 or 2. The devices of category 1 shall be designed to illuminate a space of at least 130 x 240 mm, the devices of category 2 shall be designed to illuminate a space of at least 200 x 280 mm. a0c0
A5 2. Colour of the light a0c0
A5  The light of the illuminating device shall be sufficiently colourless in order not to modify noticeably the colour of the rear-registration-plate. a0c0
A5 3. Angle of incidence a0c0

The manufacturer of the illuminating device shall specify one or more or a field of positions in which the device is to be fitted in relation to the space for the registration plate; when the lamp is placed in the position(s) specified by the manufacturer the angle of incidence of the light on the surface of the plate does not exceed 82° at any point of the surface to be illuminated, this angle being measured from the mid-point of the edge of the illuminating surface of the device which is furthest from the surface of the plate. If there is more than one illuminating device, the foregoing requirement shall apply only to the part of the plate intended to be illuminated by the device concerned.

A5  The device shall be so designed that no light is emitted directly towards the rear, with the exception of red light if the device is combined or grouped with a rear lamp. a0c0
A5 4. Measuring procedure a0c0
A5  Luminance measurements shall be made on a diffuse colourless surface with known diffuse reflection factor[1]. The diffuse colourless surface shall have the dimensions of the registration plate or the dimension exceeding one measuring point. Its centre shall be placed in the centre of the positions of the measuring points. a0c0
A5  This diffuse colourless surface(s) shall be placed in the position normally occupied by the registration plate and 2 mm in front of its holder. a0c0

Luminance measurements shall be made perpendicularly to the surface of the diffuse colourless surface with the tolerance of 5° in each direction at the points shown in paragraph 5. of this annex, each point representing a circular area of 25 mm in diameter.

A5  The measured luminance shall be corrected for the diffuse reflection factor 1.0. a0c0
A5  For an illuminating device not equipped with filament lamps, the luminance values measured after one minute and after 30 minutes of operation shall comply with the minimum requirements. The luminance distribution after one minute of operation can be calculated from the luminance distribution after 30 minutes of operation, by applying at each test point the ratio of luminance values measured at one point after one minute and after 30 minutes of operation. a0c0
A5 [1] CIE Publication No. 17 - 1970, paragraph 45-20-040 a0c0
A5 5. Photometric characteristics a0c0
A5  At each of the points of measurement shown below, the luminance B shall be not less than 2 cd/m2. a0c0
A5  a0c0
A5  The gradient of the luminance between the values B1 and B2, measured at any two points 1 and 2 selected from among those mentioned above, shall not exceed 2 x B0/cm, B0 being the minimum luminance measured at the various points, that is to say: a0c0
A5  a0c0